‘Aim High’

Red Squirrel Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ralphs

Teaching Assistant
Learning Mentor

Miss Anderson


Welcome back Everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful Summer.                                                                                                                                                           

I am so excited to see all of your children's happy faces as we enter into another school year.

We have a busy and exciting curriculum planned for the Autumn Term around our topic " Amazing Adventures" where we are going to explore transport over time, such as planes, trains, cars etc and learn about the fascinating adventures that different people have made throughout history. We have an exciting trip planned to RAF Cosford where we will take part in a workshop that looks at the development of transport. I'm sure we'll get to look at lots of planes too!!

As part of our many planned reading activities your child will continue to regularly read to an adult in school, in a guided reading session or one to one with an adult. They will bring a reading book home every day too. We are very excited to continue with our "floppys phonics" scheme, with books that link directly with the sounds that we are practising in our phonics sessions. 

All the children will be working on different phonics and spellings each week. Each week's spellings will be available on Seesaw so the children can practise them at home before an informal assessment on Monday. All the children will have some spellings to focus on each week. The Year 1 spellings will be based around the phonics they are working on and common words they use in their writing whilst the Year 2 spellings will be practising the spelling rule they are looking at that week. 

We will continue to have our weekly Spanish session with mrs Acs on a Wednesday morning.

Show and Tell will be every Wednesday afternoon for Year 1 and Thursday afternoon for Year 2. If your child has any photos or videos that they would like to share, then please upload them to Seesaw.

We go to the Woodland School site every Friday, rain or shine, so all children will need to be wearing their wellies and waterproof coats and trousers (even if it is dry as you might be surprised how much time they spend crawling, rolling and lying in the mud!) As well as our usual Woodland School activities and learning we will also take advantage of using this peaceful space to do some of our class worship sessions.  We provide a school snack but the children may bring their own if they prefer and they all need their own water bottle. The children will wear their Woodland School clothes all day on Friday but will need a dry pair of shoes for when we return to school. 

P.E will be on Mondays and Thursdays this term. The children will come to school on these days in their PE kit, which they will wear all day. This means that they will only come to school in their school uniforms on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This is going to be a fantastic term and our main focus in Red Squirrel class is to ensure that your children get the best learning experiences possible, while also fostering a safe and caring environment where they are happy!

If you have any concerns or queries, large or small, please do not hesitate to get in touch or catch me on the gate before or after school.

Laura Anderson, Angela Ralphs and Krissy Stevanovic

Files to Download

Red Squirrel Class: News items

Sports Day, by Mr Watts

Mindfulness, by Mr Watts

Red Squirrel Class: Blog items

Olympic Week!, by Miss Anderson

Our trip to Rhyl!, by Miss Anderson

Red Squirrel Class: Gallery items

FOCS Summer Fete, by Mrs Watts

Red Squirrel Class: Calendar items

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