‘Aim High’

Red Squirrel Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ralphs

Teaching Assistant
Learning Mentor

Miss Anderson


Welcome back Red Squirrels! I hope that you all had a fantastic Summer and a very well deserved rest!


I am so excited to welcome you all back to school. Here is some useful information for the term:


We will aim to read 1:1 with your child regularly. Reading books will be sent home matched to the phonics stage that your child is working at. Please write in reading records when these are finished so that we can change them. Reading books are to be brought into school daily. Phonics sessions will happen daily, beginning with recapping of phase 3 sounds for Year 1 and consolidation of Phase 5 for Year 2. Guided Reading sessions will take place regularly to allow children to read collaboratively and build their comprehension skills by discussing the story with their peers. 


P.E will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children can come into school in their P.E kit. Woodland School will be on a Friday morning. Please ensure that children wear suitable clothing and bring waterproofs and wellies every week. 


Spellings will be put on the website every Monday. We will practice these in school throughout the week but it would be fantastic to see the children doing so at home too. 


This term our topic is "We're going on safari!" It would be fantastic for the children to find out what they can at home about Africa. From the animals, the countries, the food, the people, the culture etc. This can be presented in a variety of ways: photos, writing, artwork, a model. Anything you fancy! We will then present these at the end of the term, where parents will be invited in to see. This is completely optional!!


On a Friday, children may bring in a small toy or game (non electronic) that they can share with others during choosing time in the afternoon.


Our door is always open, so please drop in, email or give me a ring if you ever have any questions!! We will always be here to support as best we can.


We're going to have a fantastic year! 


Miss Anderson x

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Red Squirrel Class: Blog items

W/B 14/10/24, by Miss Anderson

W/B 7/10/24, by Miss Anderson

W/B 30/9/24, by Miss Anderson

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Red Squirrel Class: Calendar items

Badger class swimming, by Mrs Watts

Parents Evening, by Mrs Watts

Parents Evening, by Mrs Watts

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