Our blogs
Old Macdonald's Easter farm!, by Miss Anderson
Bees, by Mrs Watts
A Medieval Banquet!, by Miss Anderson
Seed sowing and potatoes, by Mrs Watts
Community garden, by Mrs Watts
Trip to Chirk Castle!, by Miss Anderson
Winter Wonderland!, by Miss Anderson
150th Anniversary!, by Miss Anderson
Snow day!, by Miss Anderson
Christmas dinner and party day!, by Miss Anderson
Advent Journey Day, by Mrs Watts
Poet Visit, by Miss Anderson
Remembrance Wreath, by Miss Anderson
Woodland School!, by Miss Anderson
Harvest Service!, by Miss Anderson
Having a blast at Chester Zoo!, by Miss Anderson
Macmillan Coffee Morning!, by Miss Anderson
Clive Bear, by Mrs Watts
Gross Motor Skills, by Mrs Watts
Mark making, by Mrs Watts
Maths in the woods!, by Miss Anderson
Clive Village Show, by Miss Cordey
Woodland School Fun!, by Miss Anderson
Tennis at the Shrewsbury Club!, by Miss Anderson
Sports afternoon, by Mrs Watts