‘Aim High’

Our blogs

Worm Charming!, by Miss Anderson

Dominoes, by Mrs Watts

Baking, by Mrs Watts

Cadbury World, by Miss Cordey

Journey day!, by Miss Anderson

Wellbeing day!, by Miss Anderson

Road safety Worship, by Mrs Clarke

Gymnastics at Thomas Adams!, by Miss Anderson

It's a party!, by Miss Anderson

Keeping teeth clean, by Mrs Watts

Advent journey day!, by Miss Anderson

Trip to RAF Cosford!, by Miss Anderson

Worship Team, by Mrs Clarke

Gardening, by Mrs Watts

A visit from Severn Trent, by Mrs Clarke

Fun in the woods, by Mrs Watts

Incy Wincy spider, by Mrs Watts

Hyacinth bulbs, by Mrs Watts

After school club, by Mrs Watts

Class worship, by Mrs Clarke

Tuesday Worship, by Mrs Clarke

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